"He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich."
For more, see this, this, and this.
This post is a departure from what I usually post about, but something that I feel needs to be widely broadcasted, so I'm doing it the best way I know how.
Something that I am very passionate about is global missions--and I strongly feel that all believers should have a heart for the nations, whether or not they feel called to serve globally is between them and the Lord, but he gives everyone a way to serve in some capacity. Christ commands his people to "go and make disciples of all nations," not just the safe ones, not just the "hip" ones, not just the remote ones, but all of them. I am blessed to be a part of a faith community where taking the gospel to every end of the earth a central part of ministry, but there's one area that is glazed over far too often.
Australia and New Zeland are quite a trek from the US, a flight from the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport to Sydney, Australia is roughly 17 hours long. However, life there isn't too different from life in the states. The language is the same, the quality of living is similar, and the developments in education, technology, and infrastructure are all close to that of the US.
When doing some research on the area, I came across a staggering statistic,
I was talking about this with a good friend of mine not to long ago (shout out TDP3), and we really got to thinking about it. He decided to email THE Hillsong Church in Australia, (that's right, the church Hillsong is from) and ask about the Lord's movement there. Here's what went down:
I refuse to stand by idly and watch this happen, especially in a place so enriched with solid, mature, and capable believers that can be bringing Christ to Australia.
Seventeen hours is a speck of dust in the grand timeline of eternity.
This post is a departure from what I usually post about, but something that I feel needs to be widely broadcasted, so I'm doing it the best way I know how.
Something that I am very passionate about is global missions--and I strongly feel that all believers should have a heart for the nations, whether or not they feel called to serve globally is between them and the Lord, but he gives everyone a way to serve in some capacity. Christ commands his people to "go and make disciples of all nations," not just the safe ones, not just the "hip" ones, not just the remote ones, but all of them. I am blessed to be a part of a faith community where taking the gospel to every end of the earth a central part of ministry, but there's one area that is glazed over far too often.
Australia and New Zeland are quite a trek from the US, a flight from the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport to Sydney, Australia is roughly 17 hours long. However, life there isn't too different from life in the states. The language is the same, the quality of living is similar, and the developments in education, technology, and infrastructure are all close to that of the US.
When doing some research on the area, I came across a staggering statistic,
An international survey, made by the private, not-for profit German think-tank, the Bertelsmann Foundation, found that "Australia is one of the least religious nations in the western world, coming in 17th out of 21 [countries] surveyed" and that "Nearly three out of four Australians say they are either not at all religious or that religion does not play a central role in their lives."A survey of 1,718 Australians by the Christian Research Association at the end of 2009 suggested that the number of people attending religious services per month in Australia has dropped from 23 per cent in 1993 to 16 per cent in 2009, and while 60 per cent of 15 to 29-year-old respondents in 1993 identified with Christian denominations, 33 per cent did in 2009.Friends, this is depressing and inexcusable. There is no reason at all why there shouldn't be people on their way to plant churches and share the gospel in Australia and New Zealand right now. There is no excuse at all. The language and lifestyle there are similar to that of the US, and the lifestyle is similar as well. This is embarrassing.
I was talking about this with a good friend of mine not to long ago (shout out TDP3), and we really got to thinking about it. He decided to email THE Hillsong Church in Australia, (that's right, the church Hillsong is from) and ask about the Lord's movement there. Here's what went down:
Less than a week later, Daniel got a response! (how neat is that!?)-----Original Message-----From: Daniel ParkerSent: Monday, 28 May 2012 3:10 PMTo: Hillsong ChurchCc: Emily MaireSubject: God's movement in AustraliaHowdy all the way from the great state of Texas!Let me just start by thanking you for serving our Lord in the bold andbeautiful ways you do. You're music especially is a blessing globally.The Lord is using you daily to bring glory to His name.Yesterday a friend and I were chatting about different places andmissions and we began realizing that not a lot of emphasis is put onreaching the people of Australia. At least here in our churches much ofour mission focus seems to centralize on east Asia, Africa, and southAmerican regions.We felt upset that two regions: Australia and Europe seemed to be almostneglected. Even with the lack of language barriers in some cases! I praythis is not the case, but it really sparked an interest in the needs ofAustralia.So I was really just hoping that you could help me understand more fullysome of the questions I had.Where Australia is spiritually?How is the church, monetarily, population-wise, and emotionally?How can we be praying for your country and the body of Christ presentthere?Are there certain mission organizations that have a large presence inAustralia?My heart goes out to yall and you're doing. Please let us know how wecan help!
From: "Prayer Request"
Date: June 4, 2012 1:46:02 AM CDT
To: TDP3
Subject: RE: God's movement in Australia
Dear Daniel,
Thank you for your email. We appreciate that you have taken the time to
write and are very glad to hear that you are praying for our nation and
also the continent of Europe.
The Christian church in Australia is experiencing growth and people are
getting saved each week. However, there are still many people in our
community who do not know God and probably think they don't "need" God.
As our pastor often says, "we are a church of thousands in a city of
millions". We still need to be doing everything we can to spread the
gospel to reach those in our community who do not know Christ.
Please continue to pray for our nation and for the churches in Australia
to continue to reach the lost in our communities. Please pray for
churches to continue to go from strength to strength and to honour Jesus
in everything they do.
God bless,
Hillsong Church
Pastoral Care TeamBasically, the statistics that we've been seeing are true, and they are so sad. Believers, we are bound to nothing more than the gospel that Christ has called us to! Why are we not making disciples in The Land Down Under? This is an exciting opportunity for the gospel and for believers here. Just think about it, in raising up a team here to go to Australia, the Lord will be getting believers in the US rallied around something together, the effects this can have on lives in the US are almost as exciting as in Australia! Something has to be done. This is a dark truth, but people are dying every second in Australia having lived a good life by worldly standards, they have families, and jobs, and comfort, but they have gained the whole world and lost their souls!
I refuse to stand by idly and watch this happen, especially in a place so enriched with solid, mature, and capable believers that can be bringing Christ to Australia.
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:18-20 ESV)
Seventeen hours is a speck of dust in the grand timeline of eternity.
Truth! Definitely praying for Australia and Europe!